Our Church - Carluke URC

Carluke URC
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About Us - Our Church
Mission Statement
It is the hope and aspiration of the Carluke URC that it is a church whose imagination, drive and enthusiasm will provide pastoral support to members and adherents. A church which will reach out to others in the community, both  young and old, that they may hear the gospel, join in worship in elebrating the Christian faith, and  continue the ecumenical work of  the Churches in the town.

Morning Worship and a Youth Church are normally held weekly on a Sunday at 11am.
Evening Services are as announced.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated quarterly on the 1st Sunday in March, June, September and December.
Individual committees are appointed to oversee matters of Pastoral & Outreach, Finance & Property, and Social & Fellowship.
The church roll statistics as at 31st December 2023 were as follows -

No of Members                                   39
No of Households                               36

No of Senior Citizens                         37
No of Senior Citizen Households      32
No of Adherants                                   4     

Until 1846, residents of Carluke who were members of the Evangelical Union Church, travelled to the nearest parent place of worship in Wishaw, some six miles distant. Due to the inconvenience of travel to and from Wishaw, twenty- five members seceded to form a branch of the E.U. Church in Carluke. Originally meetings of this newly formed church group were held in the home of one of their members, Mr. Tom Phillips, whose house bore the name “Sparrow Inn,” situated in Carnwath Road Carluke. That building was razed in 1876, to accommodate the building of the Church in which the present congregation now worships.

A union in 1896 between the E.U. Church and the Congregational Church brought about the Congregational Union of Scotland. In 1993 the then congregation voted for membership of the Scottish Congregational Church which was inaugurated at the annual assembly in that same year. Unification of the Scottish Congregational Church and the United Reformed Church, in the year 2000, created the current status of our present congregation, as a member of the United Reformed Church.

As part of the URC we hold to the Trinitarian faith; ie belief in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. - Belief in Jesus Christ as God's Holy Son, both true God and true man, pre-existent with his Father, incarnated by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life and died upon the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of the world. He rose from the dead and is now alive and will one day return personally in glory and judgement to establish his kingdom. - Belief in the holy Spirit who convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgement. He sanctifies believers giving them power for holy living, effective service and fruitful witness. - As believers we find our supreme authority for faith and conduct in the word of God - the Bible, discerned under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

It is the hope and aspiration of the Carluke United Reformed Church that it is a church whose imagination, drive and enthusiasm will provide pastoral support to members and adherents, a church which will reach out to others in the community, both young and old, that they may hear the gospel and join in worship and in celebrating the Christian faith, and which will continue the ecumenical work of the Churches in the town. With an ever increasing population in the town we believe that there is a great potential to strengthen the Christian community.

United Reformed Church
Carnwath Road
Carluke, ML8  4DF

Charity No. : SC008370

Interim Moderator : Rev Helen M Mee
Church Secretary : Mr Iain Pollock

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