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Youth Church - Carluke URC

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Carluke URC
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About Us - Youth Church

During School terms the youth are served by a Youth Church which meets on a Sunday during Morning Worship and a ‘Kidz Club’ for Pre High School Age which meets weekly on a Thursday evening at 6.00pm in the church hall.

Mission Statement - January 2005
The Purpose
The purpose of the Junior/Youth Church is to offer opportunities for children and youth to explore Christian faith development and spirituality in a warm, friendly, and nurturing environment. To be faithful to Christian scripture, tradition and experience, while creating opportunities for belonging, worship, evangelism and discipleship.

To foster the above we will help the children and youth to :
Understand Christian values and integrate them into their everyday lives.

Sense their belongingness as God’s children, and to grow in the knowledge of God’s love.

Have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, interactive teaching and learning, and fun based activities.

Explore, question and articulate their own Christian identity, values and spirituality.

Value inclusiveness and community orientation.

The Approach
The approach will be holistic encompassing the spiritual, moral and social needs. Interaction between the leaders and the children must be fun, vital and engaging.

Action Plan
To ensure good practice and enhance the Junior/Youth Church the following will apply :
Prayer, the Bible and useful Christian literature will form the core around which most learning is shaped. This applies to Sunday and weekday activities.

Special attention to learning styles relevant to the age group and level of capabilities must be modeled by the leaders.

Uphold a strong church/home connection, by contacting the children if they are absent for more than two weeks, either by telephone calls or the sending of cards.

Also birthday cards to be sent out to every child on their birthday.

Time set aside for regular prayer by leaders for the children/youth, and work of the Junior/Youth Church.

Structured and well balanced programme that connects with worship and other areas of the Church must include recreation and fun based activities.

Leaders are not simply recruited but are prayerfully called to this ministry because of their God-given gifts, skills and talents.

Provide opportunities for leaders to be regularly trained and equipped to be effective in their ministry.

Roles performed by leaders to be rotational on a tri-annual basis, to allow for the development of multi-faceted skills.

Room for constructive criticism when Junior/Youth Church activities are reviewed in an objective manner, to include the following questions :
What are we doing well?

What could we do better?

What should we do away with?

Situational flexibility that allows for the affirmation and celebration of what is done well, while modifying and extending the boundaries to strengthen the ministry in a way that works best for our context and needs.

Problem solving and conflict management mechanisms are put in place.

The leaders are supported by the rest of the congregation.

Hoped for Outcomes

Life long faith formation and commitment.

Numerical growth and retention.

Provide a church for tomorrow.

United Reformed Church
Carnwath Road
Carluke, ML8  4DF

Charity No. : SC008370

Interim Moderator : Rev Helen M Mee
Church Secretary : Mr Iain Pollock

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